Tales with drawings by I. A. Bilibin. Complete set in six books. In Russian /Skazki s risunkami I.A. Bilibina. Polnyy komplekt v shesti knigakh. 1. Tsarevna-frog. 2. Maria Morevna. 3. Vasilisa Beautiful. 4. Feather of Finiste Jasna-Sokol. 5. Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka. White duck. 6. Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, Firebird and the Gray Wolf. M. Goznak. 1994 12 and 12 and 12 and 12 and 12 and 12 and 12 p.Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb96cff07728aa777a