Sinitsina E.A. Monetary denominations of the Karabakh Khanate in the second half of the XVIII-first quarter of the XIX century, based on the book by Ahmebek Javanshir on the political existence of the Karabakh Khanate (1747-1806). In Russian /Sinitsina E.A. Denezhnye nominaly Karabakhskogo khanstva vo vtoroy polovine XVIII-pervoy chetverti XIX vv. po knige Akhmed-beka Dzhavanshira o politicheskom sushchestvovanii Karabakhskogo khanstva (1747-1806). Materials of a scientific conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. There are articles in Russian and Azerbaijani. Under the editorship of Aliyev I.G., et al. Baku 1988. Also from the contents of the collection: Merzoeva E.G. To the study of the positions of the city administration of medieval Azerbaijan (shikhna). Melikov R.S. To the question of the localization of the Scythian Kingdom. Mamedov Sh. K. On the study of the medieval history of Ardabil. Aliyev N.I. Early burial mounds of Absheron. Badalov A.G. Construction ceramics in Azerbaijan I-III centuries. And much more.Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb74d7519601891e8f