The Pusaka Raja-Raga Inner Power awakens a high degree of inner power within you. Once you take the initiation and with constant practice the chanting on a regular basis you will able to master 3-4 years of inner power training within a much shorter period of time.
Some powers you may experience with use of the Pusaka Raja-Raga Inner Power include: invulnerability to attack, emergency invisibility to dodge threatening people, etheric twin creation for use in guarding your home or loved ones while you are not available, irresistible charisma that captures and fascinates any you desire to impress, fierce and fiery-punch to undo your enemies with, distant punch, and creating a auric Shield over a place or person for protection. With this magickal inner power along with prayers, mantras and the power of positive thinking you will make great strides in improving the circumstances of your life and those you must care for and protect. The Pusaka Raja-Raga Inner Power is a powerful force that will aid you in your endeavours of success and fulfilment.
The following virtues of this Pusaka Raja-Raga Inner Power presented below:
Power of Invulnerability
Power of Invisibility
Develop the Etheric Twin
Increasing Charismatic Presence
Increasing Authoritative Presence
Power to Protect a Certain area or your self with a magickal shield
Distant Punch