100% is taken from Veritas Yellow Catura coffee parentage, if the growing time is not suitable, then we are ready to replace it 100x the price. provided there is evidence.
The process of collecting coffee seeds starts from taking the best cherries from coffee trees that grow in each area. There is also collection from local trees to find out which coffee trees are suitable.
In addition, cherries for seeds are taken from coffee trees aged 10 years and over.
"For seedlings, we look for large, orange cherries. Apart from that, picking cherries must be located in the middle of the branches. We look for ones that are not deformed.
After that, peel the skin of the cherry to get the seeds inside. This process must be done by hand, not a machine.
The next process is washing by hand to remove mucus. Then just give it air for about a day.
The process after that is merambang, where the coffee beans are placed in water. The best coffee beans should not float.
Yellow Catura coffee is one of the superior varieties that has been officially designated by the government.
Characteristics of yellow catura coffee: Semi-dwarf habit, entire canopy of leaves
from the main stem to the surface
land. Crown diameter 230 cm.
Young fruit is clean green, meanwhile
ripe fruit is bright orange, shape
oval fruit, fruit dompolan less dense, but
the fruit size is quite large. Weight 100 pieces
Cooked orange has an average of 196 grams
Production potential: Average 1500 kg coffee beans/ha with range
800-2300kg seeds/ha, for planting with
population 1600 trees/ha.
Resistance to major pests/diseases: Somewhat resistant to leaf rust disease, somewhat susceptible to coffee fruit attacks, and susceptible to attacks by the nematode Radopholus similis.
The process of growing coffee starts by taking seeds from the best cherries of coffee trees that grow in each area. There is also collection from local trees to find out which coffee trees are suitable.
Argopuro yellow catura seeds are suitable to be used as a single superior variety for farmers
50x money back GUARANTEE if found to be not genuine yellow catura seeds.