Stogoff (Stogov) Ilya. Stogoff-project. All this is rock" n "roll - 4 volumes. 1. Mummy Troll: Live Long. Die Rich. 2. Fuchs-Gambek M., Shatz T. Tokio Hotel. As loud as possible. 3. Powdery L., Kushnir A. Nautilus Pompilius. 4. Songs of Western Slavs. Vidoplyasovs cry. Lyapis Trubetskoy. In Russian /Stogoff ( Stogov) Ilya. Stogoff-project. Vse eto rok-n-roll- 4 toma. 1. Mumiy Troll: Live Long. Die Rich. 2. Fuks-Gambek M., Shats T. Tokio Hotel. Kak mozhno gromche. 3. Porokhnya L., Kushnir A. Nautiulus Pompilius. 4. Pesni zapadnykh slavyan. Vopli Vidoplyasova. Lyapis Trubetskoy. S.-P. Amphora, TID Amphora. 2007-2008. 200-330p.. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalbc1fb84afc450e5ff