Soul-Useful Reading. A monthly publication of generally understood works of spiritual content. In Russian/Dushepoleznoe chtenie. Ezhemesyachnoe izdanie obshcheponyatnykh sochineniy dukhovnogo soderzhaniya. 2. Thoughts of St. John Chrysostom on Christian marriage and the mutual responsibilities of Christian spouses. 3. Schynun Eupraksiy. 4. The power and effect of faith. 5. Crosses with a crescent moon on the heads of temples. 6. The cessation of trading on holidays in Penza. 7. Notes by the missionary of the Kuznetsk branch of the Altai Spiritual Mission, priest Vasily Verbitsky. 8. The evangelical parable on the wedding evening. 9. Thoughts of St. John Chrysostago on Christian marriage and the mutual duties of Christian spouses (ending), 10. Healing performed in Zadonsky Monastery at the opening of the relics of St. Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh and Yeletsky. 11. Word on the opening day of the holy relics of St. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb30d7f6d3b290c724