Report of the President of the Imperial Moscow Society for Agriculture on the Highest Subsidy of 175,000 roubles, granted to the Society in the spring of 1901, for the year 1902. In Russian/Doklad Prezidenta Imperatorskogo Moskovskogo Obshchestva Selskogo Khozyaystva o Vysochayshey subsidii v 175000 rubley, pozhalovannoy Obshchestvu vesnoy 1901 g., za 1902 god. M: Tipo-Lithography of I.I. Pashkov, 1903, 237, III p. The fall in wool and bread prices in the 1890 s caused members of the Imperial Moscow Society of Agriculture to seek ways of conducting agriculture more profitably. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalbb8e22d7f42422762.