The voice of the past. 1915. June. In Russian/Golos minuvshego. 1915. Iyun. Ed. S P Melgunov and B I Semevsky of 1915. Osorgin-Tuscan Messiah. Ryabinin-Tadeusz Kostsyushko. The Hohenzollers Peppers-Politics. Wilhelm 1 and Bismarck. Avalani-50th anniversary of the beginning of the peasant reform in the Transcaucasus. Ushakov-Corps upbringing under Emperor Nicholas 1. Gr de la Garde: Paintings from the history of the Vienna Congress. Bervy-Memories. Pushchin: Letters to Malinovsky. Streich: Pirogov about love, about the vocation of a womans mother, etc. Vetrinsky: Uspensky in correspondence. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb55ff11003d6e98a7.