Herbert Frank, Herbert Bryan, Anderson Kevin. Dune in 6 Book: God the Emperor of the Dune. Dune heretics. Dune capitulation. Dune: House of the Atradesmen. Dune: House of the Harconnens. Dune: House of Corrineau. In Russian/Gerbert Frenk, Gerbert Brayan, Anderson Kevin. Dyuna v 6 kn.: Bog-imperator Dyuny. Eretiki Dyuny. Kapitul Dyuny. Dyuna: Dom Atreydesov. Dyuna: Dom Kharkonnenov. Dyuna: Dom Korrino. The Golden Library of Science Fiction. Moscow, ACT. 2001-2003 528 p. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb8dfa4c3c00ae16dc.