Geographic Society of the USSR. Herbarium of the flora of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. In Russian/Geograficheskoe obshchestvo SSSR. Gerbariy flory chernomorskogo poberezhya kavkaza. Sochi Department 1966. Plants: skolopendron leaf, Liquidambre resin or ambrosia tree, laurel-leaf pottery, true needle, large-leaved magnolia, silver acacia, laurel noble laurel, pontius rhododendron, tulip tree, cork oak, kryptomeria japanese banana, feihoa, eastern bushula, slate evergreen, eucomia willow, tubular silica, sweet chestnut, laurel medicinal chestnut, tung Chinese, yew berry, tea, evergreen pyramid cypress, evergreen evergreen redwood, lauzon cypress. Please contact us for details on condition of available copies of the book. SKUalb016a291cda7ed369.