Synopsis: Travis McGee, private investigator, came close to losing his status as a living legend when he agreed to track down the killers who brutally murdered an ailing millionaire. For starters, he renewed an unfinished adventure with a famous--and oversexed--Hollywood actress, who led him into a very nasty nest of murderers involving a motorcycle gang, pornographic movies, and mad balloonists. And Mcgee relearned the old lesson--that only when he came close to the edge of death was he completely alive. By the author of The Long Lavender Look; Turquoise Lament; and The Good Old Stuff.
Defects: Covers have small dings/rubs; pages have light age-tanning; spine has light reader's creasing, small wrinkles, and a light slant
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Genre: John D MacDonald Books; Adult Fiction; Out of Print Book Editions; Mystery Book Series; Thriller; Hard-Boiled Detective Fiction; Action & Adventure Novel; Male Sleuths; Private Investigators