Synopsis: Damaged Portland detective Archie Sheridan spent ten years tracking Gretchen Lowell, a beautiful serial killer, but in the end she was the one who caught him. Two years ago, Gretchen kidnapped Archie and tortured him for ten days, but instead of killing him, she mysteriously decided to let him go. She turned herself in, and now Gretchen has been locked away for the rest of her life, while Archie is in a prison of another kind---addicted to pain pills, unable to return to his old life, powerless to get those ten horrific days off his mind. By the author of The Night Season, Evil at Heart, Kill You Twice, and Confessions of a Teen Sleuth.

Defects: Dustjacket has small dings/rubs/crinkles, mainly along the edges; pages have light age-tanning; book spine ends are slightly bumped. Dustjacket protected in clear poly cover.

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Genre: Chelsea Cain Books; Adult Fiction; Out of Print Book Editions; Thriller / Suspense; Detective Mystery; Used Books For Sale; Second Hand Bookstore