Synopsis: A three-hour drive from Washington, D.C., two clandestine institutions face each other across a heavily guarded river. One is the world's most unusual laboratory, whose goals and funding are a mystery. The other is an elite CIA training camp shrouded in secrecy. Now a man and a woman, Sean King and Michelle Maxwell, are about to run a gauntlet between these two puzzle factories, straight into a furious struggle to exploit a potentially world-shattering discovery--and keep some other secrets underwraps forever... By the author of Absolute Power; Total Control; and The Camel Club.
Defects: DJ has small dings/rubs and a faint horizontal scratch on front; book spine ends are lightly bumped; pages have light age-tanning
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Genre: David Baldacci Books; Adult Fiction; Out of Print Book Edition; Mystery & Detective; Thriller Novels; Suspense; Espionage