Unusual, unique, rare, authentic complete handwritten Sefer Torah (Torah scroll) in good condition, can be made Kosher. Originally late 18 - early 19 century, with a nice old ktav, very well preserved, written in Syrian tradition. This scroll has unique features of the ktav, tracing it to a particular community or tradition. The tsurot ha-otiout are made in a way of piskei halacha in sofrut STAM attributed to famous halachic authorities of the region and period. Peculiarities of calligraphy that were historically important in development of sofrut STAM and traditions of scrible art and halachic decisions of poskim. Paleographic research shows links of the sofer who wrote this sefer to this tradition. Very few complete authentic scrolls of this provenance have survived to our days. Historically important as an authentic scroll, written in that period and community, according to unique traditions. The unique writing style and calligraphy makes this Sefer Torah a rare and important historical artifact. Parchment: gevil. Klaf height: 21 in (55 cm). Number of lines: 42. Nusakh/Ktav: Syrian. The Torah Scroll was identified, researched, and attributed by professionals and experts on early Torah scrolls. Additional information will be gladly provided upon request. The scroll is well preserved considering its age, but is presently not Kosher for Torah leyning. At client’s request, our qualified sofrim STAM can make a full bdika, restoration and thorough inspection to make the scroll Kosher. As a result, the client will receive a certificate of Kashrut and extended warranty of usable condition. Varieties of accessories are available separately for purchase or a custom order: Etsei Chaim, Mantls with a belt or a Torah tik (for Sefardi/Mizrakh), Rimonim or Crown, Shield (optional), Pointer (optional). We welcome inquiries from congregations, donors, sofrim STAM. SKUscrolls-007060