25 SEEDS Gypsy Pepper Garden Fresh Vegetables Healthy Planting Edible Food

Scoville heat units (SHU): 0
Jalapeño reference point: 2,000 to 8,500 times milder
Origin: U.S.A.

If you love your peppers sweet, then there are none better than the gypsy pepper. There’s a sugary sweetness here, almost floral, not shocking since the gypsy is a no-heat sweet pepper, but surprising for its intensity as the fruits mature. Gypsies, with their thin skin, are perfect frying peppers, though the walls are thick enough for stuffing, too. There’s a visual charm to the gypsy, as well, as the peppers take on a hodgepodge of mixed flower-like colors as they age. They look exceptional in a landscaped edible garden or container.

Peppers germinate and grow best when soil temperatures are above 75 degrees F. In most regions of the country, peppers should be started indoors and then transplanted outdoors as the weather warms. Sow peppers indoors 6-8 weeks before transplanting. Plant seeds at a depth of ¼ inch and make sure the soil remains warm throughout the germination period.

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