Who says just because summer is coming to an end you can't still have beauty in your garden, yard, meadow, etc.?

This late blooming fall wildflower mix contains 19 different species that will simply beautify whatever area you are looking to brighten up and at the same time attract butterflies, bees and humming birds. Contains 40% perennials and 60% annuals:

Annual Phlox - Annual

Baby's Breath - Annual

Black Eyed Susan - Biennial

California Poppy Orange - Perennial/Annual

Cornflower - Annual

Cosmos Sensation Mix - Annual

Gayfeather/Blazing Star - Perennial

Gloriosa Daisy - Annual

Godetia - Annual

Larkspur Giant Imperial Mix - Annual

New England Aster - Perennial

Painted Daisy - Annual

Purple Coneflower - Perennial

Shirley Poppy - Annual

Snapdragon - Annual

Sunflower Dwarf Sunspot - Annual

Sweet William - Biennial

White Yarrow - Perennial

Zinnia California Giant Mix - Annual

Germination in 7-21 days

Collected: 9/23

Germination: 90%

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