(Passiflora edulis) 
Edible Fruit
Native to South America, Purple Granadilla Vine is a Fast-Growing, Evergreen Vine that can Quickly Grow to Heights of 29 feet, according to Plants for a Future. Due to its quick growth, the granadilla plant can become invasive if not pruned, using coiled tendrils to climb on structures. Known for its delicious fruit and exquisite flowers, granadillas. Granadillas are strong, vigorous vines that can easily be trained up a trellis, fence or wall. Native to the tropical regions of the world (Paraguay, Brazil and northern Argentina), granadillas are sensitive to frost and enjoy relatively high humidity and a rainfall of at least 1200mm per annum. Regular watering, pruning and fertilizing will encourage continual flowering and fruiting. Thrives in Zones 10-12 outdoors, but also makes a Great Houseplant in all climates. To "Grow Passion Fruit Indoors" is actually quite simple. Use a pot that is 12 x 12 inches and fill it with a high-quality potting soil. Use a trellis so the vine of your plant can grow up and around it, get your plant at least 4 hours of sunlight daily and watch your new houseplant thrive.
Fruits are round to oval with a tough purple skin and a high pulp content. The delicious pulp is often used in drinks, desserts and fruity recipes. The plants should be trained to grow on a well-constructed trellis, otherwise, they are soon out of reach.
 Nutritional Profile and Possible Health Benefits of Passion Fruit: