18 in.Wheat Chain Necklace For Charm that can be worn on its own for  best look 

Metal Customization:

1. White Gold: 14K/18K/22K
2. Yellow Gold: 14K/18K/22K
3. Rose Gold: 14K/18K/22K

✦ S E R V I C E S ✦
✓ 100% Conflict Free.
✓ Easy Payment Plan.
✓ Customized Engraving.
✓ 30-Days Return Policy.
✓ Customize Order.


✦ P A Y M E N T ∙ P L A N ✦
⊹ Jewelry is ship only after full payment.
⊹ The buyer must pay all installments on time, depending on what is completed when placing the order.

✦ P R O C E S S I N G ∙ T I M E ✦
Usually, it takes us 8-10 business days of processing time.

✦ E S T I M A T E D ∙ D E L I V E R Y ∙ T I M E S ✦
5 to 6 business days when you can receive your nackles. But if you want to speed up your shipping, we can upgrade the shipping process with express service.

✦ R E T U R N ∙ E X C H A N G E S ✦
We offer a 30-days of delivery on all of our loose moissanite and moissanite jewelry. Custom orders cannot be returned or exchanged. It can be replaced if the item was damaged during shipping.

✦ S P E C I A L ∙ W A R R A N T Y ✦
We offer a full warranty for all 90-days after buying jewelry in our store. If your jewelry expires after 90-days, we may still service your jewelry in accordance with our limited life service policy.

✦ A B O U T | DDAS J E W E L LS  A R T ✦

--> We offer a 45-day warranty on all our Loose diamonds or Jewelry.
--> We also provide paid service after the completion of the warranty.
--> You can send us an email or can send a message on Etsy 24x7 for any service required thereafter.