2 X Collomack Topical Painless Remover Plantar Warts Corns and Calluses 10ml

Collomack is a 10% solution of salicylic acid in an organic solvent mixture which is applied externally to the skin in order to remove the skin in the event of hardening caused by warts, corns and calluses. Always apply Collomack exactly as indicated.
Collomack is a 10% solution of salicylic acid in an organic solvent mixture which is applied externally to the skin in order to remove the skin in the event of hardening caused by warts, corns and calluses.
Direction for use:
- Soak the affected area in warm water for 5 minutes.
- Dry thoroughly with a clean towel.
- The surface of the affected area should be rubbed with a nail file, pumice stone, emery board or coarse washcloth, with care taken not to cause bleeding.
- Apply the solution to the affected area using cotton bud, twice daily.
- Care should be taken to avoid the surrounding healthy skin.
- The affected area should cover with a plaster (dressing) to help the penetration of ingredients.
Clinically visible improvement should occur in 1-2 weeks, but the maximum effect may be expected after 4-8 weeks.
If wart persists beyond 12 weeks of treatment, the patient should be advised to consult their pharmacist or doctor.
Salicylic acid.
Collomack is for external use only and should not be taken internally. When applying Collomack care should be taken not to allow the solution to touch healthy skin. Collomack should not be used if the patient is hypersensitive to salicylic acid.
Not recommended for use in infants under the age of 2 years. Children under 12 years should be treated under supervision.