Moods magazine - Healthy Living

Fall 2014

Robin Williams

The fragmented child and misdiagnosis

Blood Test to Diagnose Depression

The art of forgiving

How Ambivalence can be Helpful

The Shame of It All - Keeping the Ontario poor and disenfranchised down

Role of Social Factors on Mental Health

The Inconvenient Truth about Mental Illness

This Time There Will Be No Empty Promises

Problem Definitions May Cause Problems

Building a Nutritious Meal Bowl

Healthy and Delicious Fall Recipes

Working Through Mental Health Issues

All of your favorite 2000s celebrities, supermodels, and much more!

An absolute "Must Have" for collectors, this magazine is a great period document of ads, fashion editorials and articles. It's a who's-who in the year 2014!

Do not miss your opportunity to own this rare collector's item!