6 onz branches Trichostigma octandrum. bejuco canesta, sotacaballo, rivinoides.

If at the moment fruits are available some will be add.

Both the split stems and bast fibers have been used to make barrel hoops, baskets, bent furniture and crafts. Young leaves may be boiled and eaten as vegetables, discarding the bitter water. It is grown ornamentally and is a large sturdy plant that may be trained into bowers and enclosures. The purple juice from the berries stains, and may form a dye. Vegetative parts may be used for heart palpitations. A powder of the bark may be used to treat colds and water retention. Colombians use the leaves to help cure wounds. Hispaniolans use a tea to help with asthma or choking. The fruits are also used in medicines. Related genera Petivera and Phytolacca are known to have many bioactive compounds.