Pre-viewed for quality this Canadian import and it played fine on my JVC deck. The sourceprint used for the film is old, grainy, with dirt, scratches etc. and the transfer seems a little dark. But righteous Drive-In enthusists will enjoy it regardless.
The box cover has been cut and mounted in a white hardshell display case with some stickers. The cassette has store branded security stickers on both endcaps assuring you of first generation quality. There is also a "please rewind tape" sticker across one edge of the top cassette label.
The credits on the box are totally eroneous, the title and Lettuce logo are gold stamped on the cover and spine. Out Of Print (OOP) in all formats and no longer being produced.
A blasphemous Italian slap at Catholicism as a series of brutal murders and mutilations in a dark forbidding convent has the sisters terrified as one person after another is horribly murdered. The women believe it is the "work of the devil" by supernatural forces, but an ecclesiastical detective thinks its a human murderer. Jesus, is he in for a surprise!
Not even the investigators brought in by the Church are safe from this horrible fate. Included are scenes of a dead body having its vagina ripped out, a child stabbed several times, a baby scalded in a cauldron of boiling water, and a priest knived in the groin at least twice. The story takes a bizarre twist as the dead start returning to life and the sisters know that they are in the OTHER HELL.
Sit all the way through this and you deserve a few Hail Marys and Amens. Directed by Bruno Mattei, who must never go to church on Sunday. The scary music is by frequent Dario Argento collaborators, Goblin.