

What a wonderful look at life in 1800’s.  This Historical CD contains stories of the local townships of Sullivan County and its people.


This is a scanned copy on CD of the original book published in 1909.





A History of Sullivan County, Tennessee

With Brief Biographies of the Makers of History


By Oliver Taylor



The King Printing Co




330 pages on 1 CD

An essential resource for Genealogists

Actual images of every page, in Adobe Acrobat Reader .PDF format. Works with any computer, and is easy to use and read. Some scans are imperfect.

This book on CD is SEARCHABLE * 



CHAPTER I. - Before the Pioneer

CHAPTER II.- The Cherokees

CHAPTER III.—Pioneers—Explorers—First Settlers

CHAPTER IV.—The Cavalcade

CHAPTER V.—The Frontierwoman

CHAPTER VI. - Coming of the Shelbys

CHAPTER VII.—A Few Days Full of Trouble

CHAPTER VIII.—The Battle of the Great Kanawha

CHAPTER IX.—"Spirit of 75"

CHAPTER X.—The Transylvania Trust

CHAPTER XI.—Battle of Island Flats

CHAPTER XII.—Christian Campaign

CHAPTER XIII.—The Treaty of Long Island

CHAPTER XIV.—The Shelby Campaign

CHAPTER XV.—Donelson's Voyage

CHAPTER XVI.—Sullivan County

CHAPTER XVII.—King's Mountain Campaign

CHAPTER XVIII.—The State of Franklin

CHAPTER XIX.—Blountville

CHAPTER XX.—Industries

CHAPTER XXI.—Official Life


CHAPTER XXIII.—War Times—Tennessee Valor

CHAPTER XXIV.—Travelways—Transmission of Messages

CHAPTER XXV.—The Boundary Line

CHAPTER XXVI. - Hunters of the Holston

CHAPTER XXVII.—The Old Field School


CHAPTER XXIX.—Agriculture

CHAPTER XXX.—The Removal

CHAPTER XXXI. —The Newspaper—Politics


CHAPTER XXXIII. – Odds and Ends

CHAPTER XXXIV. – The Last Leaf – Passing of Old Families





Abraham, Abram, Acre, Acuff, Adair, Adams, Agee, Akard, Almaroad, Ambrister, Amoyah, Anderson, Angell, Anna Ke Hu Jah, Annecekah, Arbuckle, Arbuthnot, Armstrong, Arnold, Arrant, Asbury, Ata-kullakulla, Attusah, Avery, Ayers, Bachman, Bailey, Baird, Baker, Baldwin, Ballard, Balthis, Balzax, Barb, Barker, Barnes, Bartlett, Barton, Bate, Bates, Baugh, Baumgardner, Bayless, Baylor, Bealer, Bean, Beaty, Beckley, Beeler, Beidleman, Belew, Bell, Berry, Bibb,  Birdwell, Black, Blackburn, Blackley, Blackmore, Blair, Blankenship, Bledsoe, Blevins, Blount, Bolinger, Bond, Booher, Bookhamer, Boone, Booth, Borden, Bosang, Bougher, Bowie, Bowling, Bowman, Bowyer, Boy, Boyd, Boyer, Braddock, Braden, Bragg, Branstutter, Brant, Breckenridge, Brewer, Brigham, Brittain, Brittan, Brooks, Brown, Brownlow, Buchananan, Buchannon, Buckles, Buckner, Buford, Bullock, Bunting, Burbridge, Burk, Burkhard, Buckhart, Burnett, Burns, Burnside, Burroughs, Burrow, Burson, Bushong, Butler, Byard, Byars, Byers, Byrd, Caffrey, Cage, Cain, Caldwell, Calbit, Campbell, Carden, Carey, Cargle, Carlton, Carpenter, Carr, Carrier, Carrington, Carroll, Carter, Cartwright, Caruthers, Caswell, Cate, Cathiman, Cawood, Chancelaume, Chestnut, Childers, Childress, Chisholm, Chiswell, Christian, Churton, Claiborne, Clark, Clay, Cleveland, Clinton, Cloud, Clound, Clovinger, Cloyd, Cobb, Cocke, Cockrill, Cole, Colyer, Conan, Coody, Cooke, Cooper, Cornstalk, Cornwallis, Cotton, Cowan, Cox, Craft, Crawford, Cregan, Cresap, Cretsinger, Crockett, Cross, Crudgington, Crumley, Crutchfield, Cumins, Cummings, Cunningham, Curry, Curtin, Dallas, Dana, Davidson, Davis, Dawson, Deaderick, Dean, Deery, Delaney, Demoss, Denny, Denton, DePeyster, Dickey, Dickson, Diddon, Dilworth, Dinsmoor, Dinsmore, Doak, Doherty, Donaldson, Donelson, Doublehead, Douthit, Dove, Dragging Canoe, Draper, Droke, Dromgoogle, Drummond, Dryden, Duke, Dulaney, Duncan, Dundas, Dunham, Dunlap, Dunmore, Dunn, Dyer, Eakin, Eanes, Ernest, Easley, Eaton, Edmiston, Edwards, Elholm, Elkins, Elliot, Elliott, Elsey, Embree, Emmert, Ensor, Erwin, Evans, Everett, Ewing, Fagan, Fain, Farmer, Farragut, Faw, Ferguson, Fickle, Field, Filmore, Fisk, Fleener, Fleming, Flemming, Ford, Forrest, Foster, Fountain, Foust, Fowler, Foy, Franklin, Frazier, Frye, Fulkner, Funkhouser, Gage, Gaines, Gale, Galloway, Gamble, Gammon, Garner, Garst, Gates, Gauthier, Geisler, Gentry, George, Gertman, Gibson, Gifford, Gillem, Gist, Godfrey, Godsey, Good, Goodman, Goodson, Gott, Graham, Granger, Grant, Gray, Greeley, Greene, Greenleaf, Greever, Gregg, Grenville, Gresham, Griswold, Grizzard, Gump, GunningHacker, Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hancher, Handley, Hanging Maw, Harbor, Hardin, Harkleroad, Harlin, Harmon, Harper, Harr, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hatcher, Hawk, Hawkins, Hayes, Haynes, Haywood, Hedrick, Heiskell, Helbrick, Henderson, Henkel, Henriquez, Henry, Hensley, Hicks, Hill, Hilton, Hix, Hobbs, Hodge, Hodgkins, Hogg, Holland, Holston, Holt, Hoss, Houston, Howe, Hugh, Hughes, Hughey, Hull, Hunt, Hurt, Hutching, Hutton, Inboden, Ingersol, Ingle, Ingles, Irwin, Ivans, Jackson, James, Jefferson, Jenkins, Jennings, Johns, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Junaluska, Ka Ta Quilla, Kain, Kearns, Kee, Keebler, Keelan, Keen, Keith, Kelly, Kennedy, Kerr, Kesler, Ketron, Keywood, Kincannon, King, Kingery, Kingsley, Kuhn, Kuhnert, Kyle, LaFayette, Lacy, Lafferty, Lake, Lambert, Lane, Langley, Lanier, Latture, Lear, Leedy, Lesser, Lewis, Lindamood, Linville, Liston, Little Carpenter, Little, Logan, Longacre, Looney, Love, Lovely, Lowery, Lloyd, Luckey, Luttrell, Lying Fish, Lyle, Lynn, Lyon, MacDonough, Madison, Mahon, Major, Majors, Malone, Manghon, Manifee, Mankiller, Markland, Marks, Marshall, Martin, Masdin, Massengill, Mathers, Matthews, Mauk, Maury, Maxwell, Maynard, McClain, McClanahan, McClellan, McClelland, McClung, McClure, McCormick, McCoy, McCrary, McCrosky, McDowell, McGary, McGriff, McKamy, McKee, McKinley, McLane, McLellan, McLin, McMinn, McMullen, McMurry, McNeil, McPhatridge, McTyere, Mentges, Merideth, Messick, Miles, Milhorn, Millard, Miller, Millhorn, Milligan, Minnick, Mock, Montague, Montgomery, Mooney, Moore, Morgan, Morrell, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Mosby, Moyers, Mulkey, Mullenix, Munsey, Murphy, Murrel, Murrell, Mysengale, Naff, Napoleon, Nash, Neal, Neely, Nelms, Nelson, Netheraland, Netherland, Newal, Newland, Newton, Nickels, Nickols, Nighdeon, Northward Warrior, Norvell, O'Brian, O'Brien, Oconostota, Odell, Offield, Old Tassel, Oliver, Ookoo Nekah, Okskuah, Oostossetih, Ootosseteh, Osceola, Outlaw, Owen, Owens, Owsley, Pacayne, Packenhan, Page, Palmer, Parker, Patten, Patterson, Pattison, Patton, Payne, Pearce, Pearson, Pectol, Peltier, Pemberton, Pence, Pendleton, Pepper, Peters, Payton, Phagen, Phillips, Phipps, Pickney, Pierce, Pigeon, Pile, Pitman, Pitts, Pocahontas, Poe, Poindexter, Polk, Porter, Porterfield, Pot Clay, Potter, Powell, Preston, Price, Prince, Proctor, Pullum, Pulteney, Punch, Purnell, Purphey, Quee Lee Kah Rader, Ramsey, Raven, Rawlings, Ray, Rayetaeh, Reaves, Reed, Remine, Renfroe, Reynolds, Rhea, Rice, Richardson, Riley, Rimmer, Ripley, Robards, Roberts, Robertson, Robeson, Robins, Robinson, Rockdold, Rockhold, Rodgers, Rowler, Rusell, Russell, Ruth, Rutherford, Rutledge, Ryston, Salts, Sanders, Sanford, Saul, Savanukeh, Sawyers, Scalf, Schaefer, Schell, Schermerhorn, Scott, Sells, Seneker, Senter, Sevier, Shackleford, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaver, Shelby, Shell, Shields, Shipley, Shoate, Shoemaker, Simon, Simpson, Sitgraves, Sizemore, Ske Ahtu Kah, Slack, Smith, Smithson, Snapp, Snodgrass, Snow, Snydoes, Speery, Spivey, Spurgen, Spurgeon, Saint John, Standfield, Steel, Steele, Stephen, Stephens, Stewart, Stirling, Stoffle, Stokes, Stone, Stoneman, Stoner, Stuart, Sturm, Sullins, Sullivan, Summers, Sumter, Sunne, Swadley, Swicegood, Tach-nech-darus, Tadlock, Tarleton, Tarrapin, Tayler, Taylor, Tazewell, Teeter, Terry, Thane, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Tigan, Tillehaweh, Timberlake, Tipton, Toostooh, Torbett, Torbitt, Townsend, Trevett, Trivett, Trigg, Trimble, Tsali, Turner, Turpin, Tus Ka Sah, Twist, Tyler, Tyron, Underwood, Vance, Vann, Vaughn, Waddle, Walker, Wallace, Wallin, Ward, Waren, Warren, Washington, Watkins, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weeb, Weir, Weldon, Welsh, Westbrook, Wester, Wexler, Whitaker, White, White Owl, Whitney, Wilhelm, Wilkinson, Willanawaw, Willetts, Williams, Williamson, Willoughby, Wilson, Wine, Winston, Wolf, Wolford, Womack, Wood, Woods, Work, Worley, Wright Yancy, Yanius, Yates, Yerin, Yoakley, Yost, Young, Zink