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Product description: Safety Products - Hearing Protection - Earmuffs & Bands 3M (formerly Aearo) H10P3E 3M Peltor Optime 105 Helmet Mount Earmuffs With Liquid/Foam Earmuff Cushions 3M Peltor Optime 105 Cap-Mount earmuffs for noise levels up to 105 dBA, these earmuffs with double-shell technology provide optimal protection. The OPTIME 105 features added mass and volume, plus a unique ???double-shell??? earcup design (two cups connected via a foam inner layer to reduce structural resonances) to provide the maximum in noise reduction throughout the full range of low and high frequencies. Features: Proprietary Twin- Cup design has soft, foam-filled ear cushions. Easy cap-mount design Earcup pivot points that tilt for optimum comfort and efficiency. Liquid/foam filled earmuff cushions. Color-coding to help match attenuation needs Noise Reduction Rating ( N R R)* 27 d B. C S A Class A. Applications: Developed for the ultimate protection in the most demanding noise environments. Specifications: Noise Reduction Rating (NRR)* 27 dB. CSA Class A. Safety Products - Industrial Supply TnA Safety