Introducing the Animated Mr. Grim, an 8ft tall animatronic perfect for adding a spooky touch to your Halloween decor. This eerie figure lights up and features realistic head and mouth movements for a truly haunting effect.Mr. Grim also speaks two different phrases, adding an extra element of fright to your Halloween display. Ideal for haunted houses, parties, or simply to give trick-or-treaters a scare, this animatronic is sure to be a standout piece in your Halloween collection.

8ft tall

Head and torso movement

Adapter Plug In

"I've Come Collect what's mine, Mortal, you are simply out of time!

You cannot escape my grasp! Come closer, let me show you my death mask!"

Don’t worry you are not alone. Look around. I’ve collected billions of souls, who will never be found. You will join them in the afterlife, in the above or below It’s only a matter of time before we all have go…