Nesaea  pedicellata 'Golden'  DESCRIPTION
Nesaea pedicellata has been around for many years,  although not very easy to find in the US trade. It is native to West  Africa and has yellowish green colored leaves with brown stems. Nesaea  pedicellata 'Golden' was discovered as a variegated sport of Nesaea  pedicellata. After growing and selecting the stems a solid gold form was identified and named Nesaea pedicellata 'Golden'. Unlike its parent,  Nesaea pedicellata 'Golden' is extremely eye catching with bright gold  leaves and a hot pink stem.

Nesaea pedicellata is native to west Africa and is  relatively easy to grow in an aquarium. It tolerates both hard or soft  water and prefers a temperature between 70 and 78 degrees. It prefers  medium to high lighting and a nutritious substrate. N. pedicellata  'Golden' shares these characteristics which make it a nice colorful  addition to any aquarium. There are very few gold colored plants in the  aquarium trade so the addition of Nesaea pedicellata 'Gold' will help  aquascapers around the world to add more color and diversity to their  planted aquaria.


CO2 demand: not necessary 
Level: medium- easy
Lighting: Low-Medium
Growth Rate: fast 

Placement:  Midground-background