Eric Geiger Bible Study for Men New 2016

8 Session DVD Bible Study for Men
Came from a Estate and is New Sealed
Ships USPS Media Mail

Unfolded: The Story of God - Video Session Bundle (for individual viewing) includes all eight individual, downloadable sessions from the men's Bible study by Eric Geiger. Explore this story of a God who loves us, longs to be known by us, and ultimately invites us into His story. Though there are many heroes in the Old and New Testaments, you'll discover the one true Hero of our faith: Jesus.

  • Season 1: Creation and Fall - Unfolded: The Story of God, opens with Eric Geiger stating that God is unfolding His story to us because He wants to be known. We are reminded that we were created to reflect God's image, to rule His creation, and to relate to God and others. (Run Time: 27:10)
  • Season 2: Promise and a People - Season 2 tells the story of God raising up a people for Himself through the family of Abraham. He promises Abraham that through him and his offspring all the people of the world will be blessed. In Christ, we are partakers of that blessing. (24:25)
  • Season 3: Rescue and Law - God as Deliverer takes center stage in the third season, as He rescues His people from Egypt. The blood on the doorpost that protected the Israelites points to the blood of Christ that eternally rescues us from our sin. (24:00)
  • Season 4: Land and Kingdom - Season 4 finds God's people in the promised land, but falling into a cycle of sin. Judges rise up to lead them, followed by a failed king. But God raises up a great king after His own heart, who foreshadows the coming King of kings. (25:15)
  • Season 5: Exiles and Return - King Solomon's sin and Israel's downward spiral opens Season 5. The kingdom splits and God disciplines the rebellion of both nations by allowing foreign armies to take them captive. But God restores them, promising they will have new hearts. The stage is set for the coming Messiah. (25:45)
  • Season 6: Jesus - Season 6 is the climactic moment when Jesus, the great King, enters the scene. But His kingdom is unlike worldly kingdoms. He turns things upside down as He comes to serve, suffer, and eventually sacrifice His life to bring us freedom from sin. (25:10)
  • Season 7: A New People - In Season 7, Jesus calls out a new people for Himself, inviting us to follow Him by faith. He fills and empowers us with the Holy Spirit, and commissions us to go to all the world and make disciples. (19:25)
  • Season 8: A Better Beginning - In this final season of Unfolded: The Story of God, we discover that the end of the story is really just a better beginning. Evil is ultimately destroyed and believers of every tribe and nation are gathered for eternity to worship and enjoy Christ. (21:25)