PALMA-SKY Photo Advanced Low Mist Antiscratch-Solution.

*Low Mist* means no leftovers are left on your optics. *Antiscratch* means this fluid is safe to use in your optics.

SAFE: the safest cleaning solution available 
RELIABLE: Made by astronomers with safe & anti-streak properties in mind
REAL SOLUTION: two components A (clean) + B (rinse with anti-streaking effect)
AFFORDABLE: the cheapest solution available 

One set INCLUDES all you need: 

  • 2 bottles fluid (400ml Cleaning "A" + 400ml Rinsing "B")

Briefing about PALMA-SKYTM cleaner

In my search of a good solution for my own optics (my Meade 10" ACF telescope front corrector, eyepieces, different glasses, filters, etc...), I tested several “solutions” sold elsewhere, which either leave residue (besides their wallowed “anti-streaking” claims) or do not clean as good I was looking for. So I just embarked in my journey to prepare for my own formula of what I consider the best optics cleaning product available nowadays for reliable results… AND safety. This recipe has been proven over time, so at last I decided to make it available for you. I use the highest quality components available that nevertheless are routinely double filtered (impurities have its way to find a home).

I underline “REAL” solution, because the “miraculous” 1-component cleaning solution is just a BAD IDEA. When you clean without properly “rinsing” is like when you soap up your car and no cleaning water is added. It is as simple as that. It doesn’t matter how much you “rub”, there will always remain a layer of cleaning solution on your optics (even at molecular level). Some of the cleaning components of many commercial “photo cleaners” are abrasive in the long run and some affect coatings.

"Palma Sky" is just a safe and effective way to clean all your optical glass surfaces (binocular, eyepieces, camera lenses, front telescope glass…) and add to that less sensitive items like TV/PC screens, phones, ipads and the like. This solution can also clean optical MIRRORS safely, though it is not designed for that mission it will "do the job". Distrust any seller that will sell you an universal solution in the same package.

*This product is not flammable* *You should not drink this product. Keep it away from children*.


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You want bulk refilling Palma Sky? Look for "palma" in this shop.