CHINESE FORGET ME NOT. Clusters of small sky-blue flowers with 5 pedals. Drought tolerant. Easy to grow and grows fast. The blooms are a little bigger than its European counterpart. Blooms start about mid-summer and go into fall. Great for borders, and the garden. Also does well in containers. Plant en mass for a carpet of sky blue that last all summer. Reseeds itself. AAS Winner in 1939. 400+ Quality heirloom seeds.
Cynoglossum amabile firmament.
Full sun / P. sun.
spring, soil temp 68F+.
SOW 1/4" deep, 2" apart. Keep moist.
Germination in 7 - 21 days.
Thin to 8".
Height 8 -12" x 8" Wide.
Medium water. Light fertilizer.
Flowers are sky blue. Blooms early summer through late summer.