If you are looking for a low-maintenance annual grass or a high-fiber grain for yourself or your pets, Cat Grass is a top choice. It's easy and fast to grow, thrives in full sun with moderate water, and discourages cats from chewing on other houseplants. Barley is rich in magnesium and vitamins, and may help lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, and control appetite. Even if you are looking for a simple ornamental grass, this fast-growing option is ideal for filling in empty space in annual landscape beds, and it will regrow after being cut back.

Cat grass, known as Hordeum vulgare variegate, Tabby Cat Grass, or Common Barley, is an annual plant native to western Asia and northern Africa. This plant is edible for cats and humans, providing vitamins and fiber. Flourishing in full sun, Cat Grass offers an upright habit 12-24" tall and 10-12" wide. An excellent choice for feline friends, this plant also creates a calm aesthetic indoors or in landscape borders and containers.