In the neon-drenched back alley of Duckyville's district known as "The Grid," amidst the fusion of digital storefronts and retro-futuristic boutiques, there stood a shop that hummed with the electricity of anticipation – "CyberQuack Central." It was here that a figure emerged from the glow of pulsating lights and holographic displays, captivating the techno-savvy and avant-garde wanderers alike. This was TechnoDuck – the Cyberpunk Aviator.
Sheathed in cybernetic enhancement, TechnoDuck was a vision of the future made flesh. His gas mask, an emblem of survival in the fabricated mists of the digital frontier, was juxtaposed against the vibrant toxic-green dreadlocks that cascaded down like the trailing codes of a hacker's manifesto. His plumage, interwoven with conduits and light, glistened with the sheen of a world where the digital and the organic had melded into one.
In the realm of Duckyville, TechnoDuck was more than a mere resident; he was the embodiment of the new-age revolutionary, navigating through the binary currents with ease. His braids were not just strands but lifelines to the pulse of the city, channels through which the data of life flowed as freely as the wind in the non-virtual skies. TechnoDuck stood as a beacon of an era on the cusp of reality and imagination, a silent sentinel watching over a world that never sleeps, that forever evolves. He was a symbol of defiance, resilience, and the unquenchable thirst for progression, inviting others to embrace the fusion of technology and imagination that lay at the heart of Duckyville's future.
NOTE ONE: The ducks are 3D printed in UV resin and then hand-painted with acrylic paints, thus unsuitable for the bath or water in general.
NOTE TWO: The ducks are not made from rubber or latex, they are not soft and they do not float.
NOTE THREE: Big Duck is about 4 inches (10cm), Small Duckling is about 2.75 inches (7cm).