In the bustling heart of Duckyville, where the streets hummed with the raw pulse of city life, stood a niche shop known as "Anarquack Fashions." It was in this haven of counterculture that a unique figure made its home, perched rebelliously amidst studs and vinyl. He was none other than Spike Webb, the Punk Rock Duck.

Clad in the iconic uniform of rebellion, his black-and-red checkered shirt clashed brilliantly against the supple leather of his jacket, a fabric as much a second skin as it was a statement. The jacket was an archive of stories, each patch and pin a testament to his raucous journey through the anthems of anarchy and the ballads of resistance.

Spike Webb's stance was one of defiant pride, his beak turned up ever so slightly in a smirk that challenged the status quo. His feathers, though hidden beneath the emblematic garb of punk rock, thrummed with the energy of a thousand chords. Here, within the echoing walls of "Anarquack Fashions," Spike Webb was more than a mere figurine; he was an emblem of the undying spirit of punk, a tribute to those who carry the flame of individuality and the courage to stand out from the flock.

NOTE ONE: The ducks are 3D printed in UV resin and then hand-painted with acrylic paints, thus unsuitable for the bath or water in general.
NOTE TWO: The ducks are not made from rubber or latex, they are not soft and they do not float.
NOTE THREE: Big Duck is about 4 inches (10cm), Small Duckling is about 2.75 inches (7cm).