(Ravenala madagascariensis) 
Best Known by the Common Name Traveler’s Palm, this Fan-Shaped Broadleaf Evergreen isn’t Actually a True Palm, but a Member of the Strelitziaceae Family...aka...the Bird of Paradise. 
Traveler's Palm or (Ravenala madagascariensis) is Not a True Palm, but is Closely Related to Banana Tree & Bird of Paradise Family. This Monocotyledonous Flowering Plant is from Madagascar and has a Beautiful Display of Fanning Banana Leaves. The Leaves are Paddle Shaped or Banana Leaf Shaped and Grow on East to West Line. This Acts as a Compass for the Travelers and this is the Reason for the Name Traveler's Palm. The Leaves are Produced on Long Petioles and are Appx 14 Feet Long when Fully Mature. Leaves Arise at 45 Degrees from the Trunk which Gives it the Fan Shape. The White Flowers are Similar to the Flowers of Giant Bird of Paradise. The Traveler's Palm Does Not Have any Branches and the Leaves First Appear as a Green Stick and after Attaining the Full Size, it Unfurls. If You are Growing the Plant You Will Find that it Doesn’t Bear any Fruits. They are Grown Exclusively for their Attractive Leaf Pattern. These Plants are a Great Addition to Create a Tropical Landscape and are Very Fast Growing. The Traveler's Palm can Grow to a Height of 25-35 Feet and 20 Feet Wide Outdoors. If Growing Indoors as a Container Plant, they Will Not get as Large as a Container Will Help Keep the Plant's Size Limited. It Produces Multi Trunks, if the Suckers are not Trimmed. The Stem of the Fronds is Able to Hold Water so that the Plant Can Survive the Dry Spells that may occur in Tropical Regions. It is Believed that the Early Travelers Use to Cut the Stems of this Plant and Drink it's Juice to Quench their Thirst. Traveler's Palm does Best Outdoors in Zones 10 & 11, but Can Survive 9 if they are Protected from being Exposed to Frost. If You Live in a Colder Zone Growing them as Container Plants Will Help Limit the Tree’s Size.