Minutes: 100

Format: DVD Region 4

Through interviews with owners, trainers, judges, breeders and veterinarians, explore the development of a "top dog".\n\nRottweilers, Uncover the history of Rottwielers and discover why they have an inherent desire to protect their home and family.\n\nBoxers, Take an in-depth look at the boxer as a German historian traces the development of the breed.\n\nDoberman Pinschers, Learn more about their keen intelligence, obedience and their work as police dogs. Dobermans are also used for therapy, as service dogs and can even make a good dance partner!\n\nSiberian Huskies, The Siberian Husky is highly intelligent and fearless. With a build that helps it sustain energy over long runs, the Husky is able to run long distances, and its double-coat allows it to endure long periods in cold weather.