Meet the next generation of villains in Disney's Descendants!

Imprisoned on the Isle of the Lost, home of the most infamous villains who ever lived, the kids of Maleficent (Kristin Chenoweth), the Evil Queen, Jafar and Cruella De Vil have never ventured off the island...until now. Sent to idyllic Auradon, to attend prep school alongside the children of beloved Disney heroes, these villainous kids must execute a plan that helps their evil parents achieve "world domination" once again! Will Maleficent's daughter (Dove Cameron)) and the other rebel teens follow in their rotten parents' footsteps or will they choose to embrace their innate goodness and save the kingdom?

Co-starring Booboo Stewart, Cameron Boyce and introducing newcomer Sofia Carson, this wickedly cool comedy adventure is awesome to the core!

Actors: Kristin Chenoweth, Dove Cameron, Sarah Jeffery, Booboo Stewart

Minutes: 107

Format: DVD Region 4