Founded in 1969, The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) is the most respected organisation dedicated to investigating and classifying all UFO activity. It now consists of field offices in 42 countries, with over 800 local investigators and more than 30,000 case files. For the first time, all of its files have been assembled in an abandoned location in Ohio, called Hangar 1. MUFON is giving H2 complete access to Hangar 1, its case files, as well as every piece of physical evidence they have collected. By looking at patterns in the notes, the files shed new light on proven topics: Presidential cover-ups, blackouts and other disasters, and rogue technology. Each episode will use a collection of UFO sightings to tell these broader stories.
Space Weapons
The Shadow Government
Alien Technology
The Unfriendly Skies
Presidential Encounters
Crashes and Cover-Ups
American Hotspots
Underground Bases
Actors: Cornell Womack
Minutes: 352
Format: DVD Region 4