DOLPHIN TALE: In an inspiring story of the bond between animals and humans, a boy named Sawyer discovers an injured dolphin, which is brought to a marine hospital and named Winter. Unfortunately, her injuries cost Winter her tail, without which she may not survive. But with Sawyer's devotion, a marine biologists (Harry Connick Jr) and the brilliance of a prosthetist (Morgan Freeman) charged with creating a new tail, Winter may receive a second chance at life.
JOURNEY 2:n this follow-up to the hit Journey to the Centre of the Earth, 17-year-old Sean (Josh Hutcherson) receives a coded distress signal from a mysterious island - a place of bizarre and dangerous life forms, deadly volcanoes and astonishing secrets! Unable to stop him, Sean's stepfather (Dwayne Johnson) joins the quest. Together with a helicopter pilot (Luis Guzman) and his beautiful, strong-willed daughter (Vanessa Hudgens), they set out to find the island, rescue its lone human inhabitant and escape before seismic shockwaves swallow the island and bury its treasures forever.
JACK THE GIANT SLAYER: Acclaimed filmmaker Bryan Singer brings to the screen an amazing new take on the classic fairy tale. Jack the Giant Slayer relates the brave exploits of Jack (Nicholas Hoult), a poor young farmhand who unwittingly reopens a gateway between the human world and a fearsome race of giants.
Actors: Dwayne Johnson, Harry Connick Jr, Nicholas Hoult, Ashley Judd
Format: DVD Region 4