THE SERIES - Madiba is a six-part event series that tells the epic tale of Nelson Mandela, the globally beloved iconic figure, as well as the many other leaders of the African National Congress - Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulu - who fought alongside Mandela in the multi-racial, multi-national movement that led to the end of South African apartheid.

Madiba is an event series of epic proportions that deliverers' gravitas, emotion, drama, and undying hope. With an all-star cast led by Academy Award nominee Laurence Fishburne, it is a heroic and ambitious character driven story re-told through momentous true events of exceptional scale and scope.
THEME - In Mandela's never-ending pursuit of equality, & freedom, the story of Madiba explores themes of determination, humanity, sacrifices, activism, and redemption. The themes of Madiba re-enforce our basic tenets of humanity: that freedom belongs to everyone.

Episodes 6 X 52 mins


Minutes: 312

Format: DVD Region 4