Puppies, puppies and more puppies are packed into this entertaining and exciting sequel to Disneys classic, 101 Dalmatians. And now, the 101 Dalmatians II includes even more fun and adventure, with music videos and a behind the scenes dogumentary!

The adventure begins when Pongo and Perditas pup Patch, who is not satisfied being just one out of 101, gets the chance to meet his TV hero, Thunderbolt, the One of a Kind Wonderdog. When Thunderbolts trusty sidekick Lightning reveals that the shows producers are on the lookout for a new star, Thunderbolt, with Patch in tow, struts out into the real world to perform true acts of heroism. And when puppy obsessed Cruella De Vil returns, it is Patch and Thunderbolts teamwork and friendship that will save the day.

Actors: Barry Bostwick, Jason Alexander, Martin Short, Bobby Lockwood

Minutes: 74

Format: Blu-ray Region Free