cover yellowing with dents, bend marks and age marks.  sticker shadow in front. some corner tips creased. a few page corners folded.  page edges discolored.


 Over 25 ring games, chants, and rhymes, with 13 black and white illustrations. The south sings many songs. She gave birth to the blues and delivered spirituals and gospels  from the hearts of heaven - hoping black folks wanting to be free. While the bittersweet lyrics gave relief to the experiences of adults, the children on the roads and in the streets had their songs to sing,. They would create a circle, choose a leader and follow the leader in a progression of chants. They would clap their hands, move their hips and hunch their shoulders up and down,  down and up until the rhythm built to a unity of mesmerizing motion.  the purpose of the circle games would be to choose an order of leadership giving each child a chance to demonstrate individuality and group control. Coordination would be tested. The following is a collection of old and new ring games and chants. Some teachers will maintain the Afro-American flavor. while other teachers will work with the basic words, melodies and themes presented in these songs. /either way , it is important to allow the folk tradition of the Southern heritage to live and breathe again.