Genuine Type D upright bags. Includes 3 bags per pack. Also available as Microfresh bags.

Part number 3670147001 is compatible with models M6231, M105315, M085435, M085520, M085535, M085545, M085550B, M085405, M6230, M085335, M085400, M5200, M6470, M085550, M6200, M085540, M085550-1, M6210, M085500A, M6221, M085500HD, M085440, M5231, M085440CA, M085475, MDU6220, M085500B, M085470, MDU5220, M6201, M085410, M6370, M085560, M085500-1, M085360, M085530B, M085525, M085530, M085300, M6220, MDU6520, M5235, M6270, M085500, M085480.

Vacuum bags designed to fit Dirt Devil Lite, Lite Plus and Sensation models using Type D bags. This item is sold 3 per package.