Title: Spice And Wolf Light Novel
Author/Writer: Isuna Hasekura
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Adventure, Economics, Historical, Fiction, Drama
Condition: Brand New and Sealed
Language: English Version
Volume: 1-24
Publisher: Malaysia Publisher
Kraft Lawrence is a 25-year-old traveling merchant who makes his living by buying and selling various goods across towns and villages. One night, in the town of Pasloe, he discovers a strange yet beautiful girl with wolf ears and a tail asleep in his cart. She introduces herself as Holo, a powerful wolf deity who has been the harvest goddess of the local village for centuries.
Holo reveals that she wishes to return to her homeland in the north, as she feels her role in the village is no longer needed. In exchange for taking her along on his travels, Holo offers her wisdom and keen insight into economics and trade, which proves to be incredibly valuable to Lawrence's business.
As they journey together, the duo faces various challenges, including economic schemes, dangerous encounters, and the complexities of their growing relationship. Holo’s playful and sharp personality often leads to witty banter and deep conversations, while her divine abilities add an element of mystery and danger to their travels.
Spice and Wolf combines elements of fantasy, romance, and economics, offering a unique blend of adventure and intellectual intrigue. The series explores themes of companionship, the clash between tradition and progress, and the pursuit of dreams in a changing world. Through their travels, Lawrence and Holo develop a deep bond, navigating both the marketplace and their own hearts.