Experience the magic of Disney's The Little Mermaid, a classic animated and anime movie released in 1989. This VHS tape features the Diamond Edition of the film, with a banned cover that adds to its collector's value. The movie follows the journey of Ariel, a mermaid princess, as she ventures into the human world to save her beloved prince, Eric.
The film is rated G and has a signal standard of NTSC. The language of the movie is English, and it has not been released as a former rental. Directed by John Musker and Ron Clements, this movie leads with Rene Auberjonais as the voice of Ariel's father, Triton. This VHS tape falls under the categories of Movies & TV and VHS tapes. Get your hands on this rare edition of The Little Mermaid and relive the magic of this timeless classic.
Excellent Pre-owned Condition!
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