Cleansed was their health & purity again” Cleansing & Purification is used to banish negativity around you and in your home. Makes you a lot healthier more energy and a more concentrated mind. Make you feel more calm makes your home feel more refreshed from negativity. Banish negative individuals as well from your space and surroundings Help remove emotional and mental fog. Promote clear thinking and optimism. Purify the mind and spirit and protect against unwanted and intrusive negative energy. Lift your spirits and help you focus on all that is good in life. Create a protective shield against negative people or those with bad energy and intentions. Hierophant represents the cleanest form of our spirit which is in direct contact with the Divine powers. The Hierophant channels the power of Angels into our lives. He is symbolically the High Priest known otherwise as (the Pope for Christians). No darkness can resist the holy Light. I will tap into the magnificent power of the Hierophant to banish all darkness from your lives & once again your home and yourself will be surrounded by positive energy. Darkness is out there waiting to strike against us when we are vulnerable. Especially if you have to or are dealing with individuals who have nothing but darkness and greed inside of them. Although we try our best to be positive and stay positive and be around positive people we some times are trapped in despair and overwhelming feelings of self-destruction. While this is usual, it should not considered normal especially when it keeps happening over and over. Once payment is confirmed, I will master this spell to banish whatever needs to be banished. In fact, it is wiser to periodically every three months have this ritual completed to banish negativity to stay clean and magically healthy especially in your home. Especially if you have children. This ritual can be customized ******