ABOUT LILITH: Lilith is a symbol of femininity, beauty, freedom, rebellion, financial stability, independence, breaks codependency, strength and courage. She is the liberator of women, encouraging them to be strong and to fight for their rights. Lilith is also known to help during the childbirthes and all which concerns the femininity. She is associated to the night and to the moon, to the water, to the rose, to the snake, to big cats, and more particularly to the cat, to the owl and to the hyena. In the tarot, she is symbolized by the Empress and the High Priestess. She is often associated with Ishtar/Inanna, with Isis, or with Kitra for vampyres. In Wicca, she embodies the goddess, the symbol of the feminine energy of the universe (associated with the God and the symbol of the male energy). By connecting with Queen Lilith , who are also Fire and Darkness, you can achieve your goal! No matter male or female you can ask for help: — In a career, acquiring new skills for success at work. — In love and relationships. Often people ask Lilith for a domination spell on a loved one. They easily receive love, financial sponsorship, fidelity and adoration, marriage and affection. Your target can become like a puppet in the hands of a skilled puppeteer. — Health and youth, emotional stability, beauty and attractiveness. — Wealth and luxury. Thanks to making a pact, you will be able to attract money to yours in every possible way. Wealth and prosperity will flow to you as rivers flow into seas. — The opportunity to manifest your will. Your character is endowed with special strength and courage, charisma or a sharp mind, you are able to perform a meaningful act. Sometimes it's making a key decision in your life. An opportunity to become the person you've wanted all your life. I am Sandra, and I use the help of my spiritual connections and access to achieve whatever your goals are. I use my handmade potions with my spells, graveyard dirt, rovel and musk incense goblets, oil candles and other items that attract the demon Lilith. The pact with the Lady of the Night Lilith is a very deep and powerful ritual. But this ritual should not be taken lightly. By making a pact you commit to proper respect and behavior her. She will not tolerate even the slightest lack of gratitude, I can vouch for that. Accept each gift with reverence and due gratitude, because the initiation of such a ritual is a real honor, you must understand it. Some ask me about timing, and I want to remind you that black magic is not a supermarket of goods. Don't hurry with conclusions if, for example, your man hasn't called you to marry in two days. The less you will dwell on time limits — the sooner you will see the first results. This black magic ritual is 100% safe for you, fear not. It will be done with the necessary protection to never harm your own energy. Pacts with Lilith can ONLY be performed by a high-ranking witch with extensive experience, such as an Ordained Priestess for example. Such a master will be your confidant in working with Lilith. The sacrifice is a cows tongue and a drop of my blood. Thank you 🙏