Are you in financial debt? Unemployed? Having trouble paying your bills? Having trouble finding a job? This spell is just for you. I have offered a major discount on all spells regarding the crisis going on currently. Once this spell is being casted I strongly suggest you put cinnamon on a dollar bill or it could be any bill. 5$ 10$ and so on and put it in your wallet. DO NOT spend it for this will be your lucky charm and manifesting once the spell is being casted. Once the spell is finished I will let you know when it is done. I update you everyday and send you photos and videos of my work for you. Meditate and visualize money being poured to you from the universe. In the next month, you will see a significant change in your life because you will finally have someone who pays for everything for you!

This is a very powerful spell and it will work once it is finished. I use many different materials for each spell. You can customize it if you would like. Manifestation is very important as well.