One of the most underappreciated fruits!Weeping mulberries make a unique and beautiful statement in any garden! These unusual trees naturally grow in a weeping form, while also having a contorted trunk and branches. The draping branches create an almost teepee-type hidden room under the limbs so you can hide inside and pick the 1"-long, dark and delicious berries.
Very strong weeper, needs to be staked to the desired height, then it will weep to the ground. Weeping Mulberry is suitable to be grown in Zone 4-10.
Size at maturity: ~12 ft tall, unpruned
These cuttings are freshly cut from my own weeping mulberry, and can be rooted to grow your own bushes.
Leaves will be trimmed off before shipping. Your cuttings are guaranteed to arrive fresh and viable. Along with your purchase, you will receive instructions on ways to root your cuttings.
Under proper conditions, grafting and/or propagating cuttings can be an economical solution for many gardeners. However, there is ***no absolute guarantee*** that your scions/cuttings will be successful. Because of this, I cannot offer replacements or refunds on things like cuttings or scionwood.
Plant Details:
• height - 12ft, unpruned
• large, edible berries
• pollinator/wildlife friendly
• ornamental
• thrives in a variety of conditions
• forager favorite
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