You are buying one Muskogee Crape Myrtle, Lagerstroemia indica x fauriei 'Muskogee' in a trade gallon pot. The Muskogee Crape Myrtle has dynamic, lavender blooms that will complement every house and enhance landscapes. The Muskogee Crape Myrtle is one of the only trees to bloom such radiant, lavender flowers. It is great for bordering driveways and any landscape. The beauty of the Muskogee is like no other. The bloom time of a Muskogee Crape is much longer than most, 120 days. The tall and impressive Muskogee Crape is a fast-growing tree sprouting up to 5 ft a year. At maturity, the Muskogee Crape Myrtle will reach between 25-30 ft., with a spread of 20 ft. The strong and developed root structure supports the rapid growth rate, adding to the appeal of the Muskogee. Muskogee Crape Myrtles make beautiful privacy hedges or property borders. We cannot ship trees to the following states due to tree restrictions: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Puerto Rico, Utah, and Washington. Planting instructions included with every order.

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