This is a thrilling young adult novel by Marie Lu, titled "Legend Ser." It is part of the "Legend" series and was published by Penguin Young Readers Group in 2013. The book is a trade paperback with dimensions of 8.2 inches in length, 5.5 inches in width, and 0.9 inches in height.

The novel is written in English and has 352 pages. It falls under the categories of "Books & Magazines" and "Books". The book's genre is a combination of "Young Adult Fiction" and "Juvenile Fiction", with topics covering "Law & Crime", "Dystopian", "Action & Adventure / General", "Health & Daily Living / Diseases, Illnesses & Injuries", "Family / Siblings", "General", "Thrillers & Suspense", "Social Themes / Runaways", and "Science Fiction". The book's title is "Legend Ser." and it is a must-read for fans of the "Legend" series.