LWS Snowberry Symphoricarpos Albus Honeysuckle 40 Seeds USPS Shipping
Prune in late winter to early spring. Will grow in full sun to partial shade and on slopes. Tolerates pollution. Grows in the poorest of soils and is drought resistant, deer resistant and low-maintenance. Fertilizing needs are low. It is a good practice however to fertilize Snowberry bushes every other year with a general purpose fertilizer.
Germination Procedure: Warm stratify Snowberry seeds for 3 months or plant during summer (3 months of warm weather) followed by cold stratification of at least 2 months in the freezer (or put seeds through 2 months of cold winter weather). This combination will break seed dormancy. Summary: If planted in summer expect sprouts by next spring. Sow seeds at 1/8th an inch depth.
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